Monday 18 November 2013


Recently my best friend sent me messages from Nigeria complaining that her mum was almost going blind in one eye and had been diagnosed with diabetes. I was so worried and this led me to start a research on different ways of preventing/controlling diabetes, especially with regards to diet in a developing country like Nigeria.  Well I found a few preventive measures that could work well in the country but today, I will like to share with you an interesting piece I read online… A LETTER FROM DIABETES.

If you have no clue about diabetes, this letter will give you an idea about the disease including the risk factors and ways of preventing it.  Remember, prevention is better than cure! Take time out to read this insightful piece and I’m sure you’ll learn one or two new things.


Hello, it is with utmost pleasure that I write to tell you of my journey so far towards being the number one killer disease on the planet and the good news is that I’m close to achieving this dream of mine. I run in families and can be transferred through genes so you can be sure that when your dad or mum has a piece of me, you are at high risk of having me as well. I become readily available when your body does not produce enough insulin or your body cells are not responding to insulin. And even if I’m not present in your family already, you can be the first in the family to invite me.

symptoms for type 1 diabetes
Photo credit:
All you simply have to do is stick to an only-carbohydrate diet with sugary soft drinks and I’ll be right there smiling and waiting for the right time to strike. For those of you who are obese and do not exercise, we are definitely allies already as you simply make my job easier.

You might make the mistake of underestimating my abilities and take me for granted but be sure that when I strike, you’ll urinate more often, get thirsty, lose weight and the slightest injury to you have will refuse to heal and worsen to the extent  that you might get an amputation.

I attack people all over the world but my favourite domain is in Nigeria because when I strike in some places here, they attribute it to witches in their villages giving me the impetus to spread my wings further.

Well, at this point I know what you are thinking. That I’m unfair right? But please don’t be quick to condemn because I’m not as unfair as those of you who know all about me and haven’t warned your friends and neighbours. This is because the truth is that I’m not as powerful as I sound.  I am almost powerless if you discover me on time by running a test on your blood or urine and then starting treatment with drugs and exercise depending on the type of me you are affected by.

With all these mentioned you can render me totally powerless and lead your normal life. On the contrary, if I’m not discovered early, I can go ahead to affect your eyes, heart, kidney, ears and give you all sorts of ailments that you will find difficult to cope with.

So the next time you act like I do not exist and do not take the necessary precautions, remember that I have a dream of being the number one killer disease and you are simply the next available target!.
Yours indeed,

Source: The Nigeria Diabetes Online Community Blog.This letter was originally written by Theresa Odoh, who was the first runner up for the 2013 World Diabetes Day Essay Competition titled “DIABETES IN NIGERIA: Protecting the future”.  

Hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I did? If you found the information useful please kindly share with others. Also if you have the symptoms highlighted in the picture above, please visit the doctor/GP as soon as possible.

Have a blessed week and remember to stay healthy :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/14/2014

    Big ups to pharm. Theresa Odoh on such an educative and informative piece on diabetes. Everyone should do take a look at this


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